Tuesday, March 23, 2010


With the start of the round getting to close panic mode sets in. Swapping, trading and removing players, click click click 'save my team'. The initial set up of your team is crucial but with a little guidance and setting limits for yourself it becomes somewhat more simplified. There are no set rules to who you may or may not choose. Below are a few guidelines I follow when choosing my team.

Ok so rookie x and rookie y did so well in the Nab Cup and promoted to senior status.
• Which team did they play against?
• Was it a average team from the 2009 bottom 8?
• Or was it a major team?
• Example: We will use Geelong here. Who was on Geelong’s list for that particular day?

A lot of rookies shine in the limelight of that first game in the REAL DEAL league. Although Nab Cup is not the real deal, it is as close as it gets to a debut. Rookies really want to impress and give their all. We have seen it time and time again when a rookie is elevated to senior status for doing such a wonderful job in the NAB cup , gives a good first round in his debut has secured his spot and then boom....deflates like a kid letting go of a balloon before it is tied up.

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